Remark 備註 (評語只供參考)
Love cooking. Can take care of elderly and kids. Can speak Cantonese. Work in Hong Kong for 5 years.
Personal Particular 個人資料
Name 姓名
Helper Ref 外傭編號
Type of helper 外傭類型
Nationality 國籍
Religion 宗教
No Religion 無宗教
Year of Birth 出生年份
Age 年齡
Height 高度
Weight 體重
Marital Status 婚姻狀況
Education 教育程度
Junior High School 初中
Family Background 家庭背景
Age of son 兒子年齡
Age of daughter 女兒年齡
Language Ability 語文能力
No 無
Fair 普通
Good 好
Cantonese 廣東話
English 英語
Mandarin 普通話
Working Experience 工作經驗
Taking care of new born baby 照顧初生嬰兒 (0-1)
Taking care of baby 照顧嬰兒 (1-3)
Taking care of children 照顧兒童(3-12)
Taking care of elderly 老人護理
Taking care of disable 照顧傷殘人士
Taking care of pets 照顧寵物
Cooking 烹飪
Household chores 家務
Car washing 洗車
Overseas Employment History 海外工作經驗
- Hong Kong 香港:5 Years
- Taiwan 台灣:
- Singapore 新加坡:
- Malaysia 馬來西亞:
- Middle East 中東:
- Philippines 菲律賓:
- Indonesia 印尼:
- Others 其他:
Last Employer 上任僱主
- Location 工作地點: Cheung Sha Wan
- Working period 工作日期: 2020-08-28-2024 08-28
- Size of house 單位面積:
- No of person served 僱主家庭人數: 5
- Holiday arrangement 假期安排: Sunday
- No. of Helper in the family 傭工數目: 2
- Last salary 工資:
- Reason of leaving 離職原因: Finish Contract
Taking care of new born baby 照顧初生嬰兒(0-1)
Taking care of baby 照顧嬰兒 (1-3)
Taking care of children 照顧兒童 (3-12)
(10b years 歲)
(10b years 歲)
Taking care of elderly 老人護理
(79f years 歲)
(79f years 歲)
Taking care of disable 照顧傷殘人士
Household chores 家務
Hand-washing clothes 手洗衣服
Go to market 街市買餸
Cooking 烹飪
Car washing 洗車
Taking care of pets 照顧寵物
Previous Employer 前任僱主
- Location 工作地點:
- Working period 工作日期:
- Size of house 單位面積:
- No of person served 僱主家庭人數:
- Holiday arrangement 假期安排:
- No. of Helper in the family 傭工數目:
- Last salary 工資:
- Reason of leaving 離職原因:
Taking care of new born baby 照顧初生嬰兒(0-1)
Taking care of baby 照顧嬰兒 (1-3)
Taking care of children 照顧兒童 (3-12)
Taking care of elderly 老人護理
Taking care of disable 照顧傷殘人士
Household chores 家務
Hand-washing clothes 手洗衣服
Go to market 街市買餸
Cooking 烹飪
Car washing 洗車
Taking care of pets 照顧寵物
Previous Employer 前任僱主
- Location 工作地點: Lam Tin
- Working period 工作日期: 2019-2020
- Size of house 單位面積:
- No of person served 僱主家庭人數: 4
- Holiday arrangement 假期安排: Sunday
- No. of Helper in the family 傭工數目: 2
- Last salary 工資:
- Reason of leaving 離職原因: Terminated (Popo passed away)
Taking care of new born baby 照顧初生嬰兒(0-1)
Taking care of baby 照顧嬰兒 (1-3)
Taking care of children 照顧兒童 (3-12)
Taking care of elderly 老人護理
Taking care of disable 照顧傷殘人士
(80f years 歲)
(80f years 歲)
Household chores 家務
Hand-washing clothes 手洗衣服
Go to market 街市買餸
Cooking 烹飪
Car washing 洗車
Taking care of pets 照顧寵物
Supplementary Questions
Have you any prolonged illnesses / undergone surgery? 你有任何長期的疾病/做過手術嗎?
Do you accept holiday is not arranged on Sunday? 你接受休息日不在星期日?
Are you willing to share room with kids or elderly or co-worker? 你是否願意與他人供用房間?
Do you eat pork? 你吃豬肉嗎?
Are you willing to handle and cook pork? 你願意處理及烹調豬肉嗎?
Are you willing to work with another helper for the family? 你願意與其他外傭一起工作嗎?
Are you willing to taking care dogs, cats or other pets? 你願意照顧寵物嗎?
Do you have any tattoo? 你是否有紋身?
Do you accept to work in the Employers’ home equipped with camera recoding system (for security purpose?)
The above information is provided by Helpers for reference purposes only. Helpers Market International Recruitment Limited does not provide any guarantees as to the above information’s accuracy and completeness , and is not liable for any losses resulting from the usage of the above information. All users understand and agree that they shall use their own judgement when deciding to use or rely on the above information, and that any usage of the above information is at their own risk. All users have to verify all the related information by themselves during interview and selection of helpers.
以上資料為外傭提供,只作參考之用,誠譽僱傭國際有限公司並不保證資料準確性及完整性,任何人士明白及同 意應該自行判斷應否使用以上資料並自行承擔風險,任何人士需於面試及挑選外傭過程自行核實以上資料,誠譽僱傭國際有限公司不會為任何人人士使用以上資料負上任何責任。